Saturday, September 29, 2007

Welcome to Dearborn Heights

We are spending part of the weekend with childhood friend of mine from the Detroit, MI area. The car trip is only a little over two hours long, but when we got off of I-94 we made a wrong turn.
O.K., I should tell the whole story. When I printed out the mapquest map, I didn't enter in my friends entire address, just the city, state, and zip. So, here we are driving by the gigantic Rouge River Road Ford plant. It's mostly rust, and the towns around it are fairly run down.

We got ourselves headed in the right direction, but it took about 20 min. to find the right street address.

Right now I'm sitting in my buddies living room. It's the end of the evening, and they are laughing at me, because I'm able to type while I'm talking with them and not looking at the keyboard.

Gregg and Jennifer and I met when we were in our early teens while at Bible camp each summer. Our relationship was via US Post all year until we got together at camp. It was the highlight of our summers. Then during high school and college we would travel to visit each other throughout the year. They look the same to me, but I know we've all aged considerable since our early years.

I gave my standard Parmenter Missions presentation. It was about the goofiest the presentation has ever been. I've known these guys for so long, that it was difficult to keep it serious the whole time.

It's been a busy week of presenting in homes, but I enjoy it much more then presenting to large groups. With a home presentation I'm able to connect with people and answer questions. I'm also getting to know people in a new way.

Tomorrow Michael and I sing at Greg's home church, Covenant Community. We're looking forward to it.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

How Beautiful

How Beautiful. It's the song I sang at my parents church this weekend.

I'm sorry to say I just enjoyed the whole weekend and kept forgetting to pull out my camera to snap pictures. Friday night we got a visit from a long time friend of mine Ron Hoffman. Ron came from Chicago to Kalamazoo to visit his parents, but he also wanted to get a fuller understanding of what we were doing.

We spent considerable time going over Why the Czech, Why us, What we'll be doing when we get there, and What steps we'll have to take to get there. It was heart warming when Ron asked to be on the Prayer Squad. The Prayer Squad is something that I want to set up in any church that shows an interest in supporting us. I also now that individuals from non-supporting churches may also share the same commitment.

An individual in the "Squad" commits to receiving a prayer update each week, and taking time at least once each week to pray for us. A member of the "Squad" considers this prayer support his or her ministry, and is part of our team. While my family and I will be the only part of the team physically going into the Czech the whole prayer and financial support team enters into ministry and shares in both the burden and the joy of that ministry.

Saturday, we spent the day at my parents house. Some friends joined us and I had the opportunity to share our extended presentation with them. Today I sang at my parents church and spoke briefly with their pastor. Doing this is a lot of work, but it energises me. I grow more and more eager to get to the field, but I'm most eager to be serving and encouraging others in this Pre-Field process.
