Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fighting Deamons Hand-2-Hand

Yesterday Michael and I started our trip that we are calling "March 2 Nebraska". It's catchy. We were put up over night at a Christian Camp Ground about one half hour away from where we spoke today.

I thought they would just put us up in a bunk house, but the acomadations were more like a hotel room with a kitenette. Everything was just great. Overnight, I don't think that I got one wink of sleap. I kept having dreams of spiritual warfare and battling deamons.

Each time I woke up I felt a little more edgy. It gets so dark out in the country and in an unfamiliar place, after waking up several times from these dreams I was a little creeped out.

One dream in particular stood out. In the dream a person told me don't go in that house. He pointed to a large building. The man in the dream said, if you go in there you will be deceived and will probably die. I looked and my family was walking in. I took off after them, but they had already entered the building.

When I walked in, it was set up for a weading reception. It was beautiful and it was also entirely engulfed in flaims. I ran up to my family and said, "We have to get out! You'll die in here!" They couldn't see the flames. They just wanted to stay to enjoy the beautiful event.

Finally, unable to convince them, I dragged them out forcibly.

That's when I woke up.


I've never had a dream like that. I'm not sure where it fits in. I understand the symbolism . . .but ... I've never been sure what to do with the whole dream thing. Is it just a dream or does go ever try and tell us something?

I honestly don't know.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Endure and Enjoy

Today we are participating in the fifth day of a five day missions conference at Aetna Calvary in White Cloud, Michigan. It's a test of endurance to be on the road for that long living in someone else's house. I always look forward to sleeping in my own bed. I suppose it would be out of the question to simply move into one of those RVs and drive it from place to place.

Last night one of the people at the missions conference asked me if I get tired of making the same presentation night after night. Does it get old presenting each night at a missions conference? I thought about it, and frankly I enjoy each night. I don't ever get tired of telling people about our burden for the Czech Republic, encouraging them with a Bible lesson, and singing or teaching. This missions conference is hosting three different mission families. Instead of feature a different family on each night, each family presents their missions in a small group called a "huddle". Each night I presented the same presentation, and the groups rotated each night. The first night (Saturday) was a potluck where we told our faith stories (testimonies) and tonight is a rap up night were we've been asked to discuss our financial needs and our next steps. One of the families is currently supported by the church and the other two (us and the Walkers) are seeking support.

It has been great to spend this much time with the people from a church. We begun to get a feel for the "personality" of Aetna Calvary and its people, and I hope they've gotten a sense for what the Parmenters are all about. This is really the best way, because we want to develop relationships with churches, especially if they decide to support us financially.

So, while we'll be happy to sleep in our own beds, we've enjoyed each day with the folks at Aetna Calvary in White Cloud, Michigan.
