Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day Two

My time with Pastor Barnes was well spent. He asked good questions and we had probing conversations. One of his greatest concerns seemed to be how the rest of the family felt about missions, and how well we would adjust to a new culture and language. Family harmony and adjustment to the culture and language are to keys to a missionary family having a successful first term on the field. They are also two areas that can shipwreck a missionary career. We talked at length about the direction of the work in the check and the plans for the future, and we learned more about each other.

Now we are going to both take a little time to pray and little it stew in a us a little. I'll also need to check in with the Missions Mobilization staff to determine if there is anything precluding us from moving forward.

So, it is all progressing slowly and methodically. I keep wishing that I would have an Epiphany or extreme burden for Czech Republic. I have a burden for those who are without Jesus Christ. The ABWE work in the Czech Republic fits my ideals and values for where to minister and the style of team.

Right now I don't have any emotional thing happening. It could be because I finally got home at about midnight last night and was up at 6am this morning without any transition time. I feel awake, but also slightly devoid of emotion.

I imagine that's why it's best to sit on it for a few days. Talk it over with Marge and the kids, and above all, pray.


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