It was not a complete surprise. He was in his early 90s and had several heart and lung problems.
Marge and I had arrived on Thursday night at about 8:30. Dad Blunier was resting comfortably. The doctors had drained fluid from his lungs and at that point I thought I would be heading home on Saturday or perhaps Sunday after church. Friday he again seeemed to be doing well and enjoyed visiting with family, but his breathing had once again began to sound labored. By Saturday morning we were informed that tests and examinations revealed there were no further treatment options and that only treatments to provide comfort would be administered.
We brought the children over to the hospital were he was able to say goodbye to Michael and Maryellen. All of his children, nearly all of his grand children, and many of his great grand children were able to come and see him. He would smile and call out their name, and for many of us we were able to speak with him.
He was so concerned that some one would be there to take care of his wife, but we all assured him that it was o.k. for him to go. The family would care for mom Blunier, his wife. We prayed together, and sang several of his favorite hymns My Jesus I Love Thee, and It Is Well With My Soul. With about 15 of us packed into his hospital room, it was like a choir.
As Saturday progressed it became more and more difficult for him to breath. He was given a pain medication which also made him sleepy. Our children only stayed briefly, but Marge and her sisters stood watch over him throughout the evening. I was there for most of the evening, and prayed silently for his comfort and peace. At times he would wake up and try to speak, but was unable to. His wife or daughters would assure him of our love, and that Jesus was waiting to receive Him. They held his hands and while he slept, he breathed his last.
Monday night there was a visitation at the funeral home in Eureka, IL where they live. Marge's sisters and the spouses (including me), stood in a line with mom blunier to greet those who had come to pay their respects. About 750 people came through. Many remarked at the impact that Henry Blunier had had on them and the church in Eureka.
One common theme through that day and throughout Tuesday, the day of the funeral, was his love for Jesus Christ. Henry Blunier was always a good man, but for many years he kept the big question of Christian faith pushed off to the side. It wasn't until a little over two years ago that he prayed a prayer of repentence and put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ. I marveled at the change in this man. He was a great guy all along, but after He turned to follow Christ, he had a new countenance and joy.
So, while we grieve over his passing, there was rejoicing that he is a follower of Christ, and with Christ right now. It is a comfort, and I will enjoy seeing Henry Blunier again, when my day comes.
A whole week has elapsed, since we quickly packed and drove off to Eureka, Illinois. Tomorow, somehow, we have to hit the ground running. The kids with schooling, Marge with care of the home and Michael's home schooling. I have to see what has piled up at work and at home continue with raising support.
Part of me is still standing at the graveside, singing one of Henry's favorite hymns.