Thursday, March 22, 2007

Be Careful, You'll Need To Be Stronger Soon

I've been saying that to myself lately.

I've been trying to model things I might expect from the mission field.

I've discovered some things:
  • My prayer life is pathetic
  • When I get tired, my thought life and attitude really stink
  • Sometimes I let my schedule overrun my daily quiet time
In the past I would just say, I need to get a handle on this. I had a realisation yesterday. My employer gives us 2 days of paid community "volunteering". I know, how is it that I get paid for volunteering, but it's something cool that my employer does. So a coworker and I put in about 9 hours straight at the Gospel Rescue Mission in town. I was exhausted this morning. My thought life has been in the pits. I thought to myself, "Wow, when I'm in the mission field, I better make sure that I always get plenty of sleep."

I bet on the field, I'll be busy a lot, and may often be faced with not enough sleep. I need to deal with that issue now, before I get to the field. So, then I started thinking about other attributes of my walk with Christ that are really not where they should be. I need to become much stronger in my faith and prayer life. I've made moves in that direction, but so easily get set backs.

For example, I had begun to have a much more "real" prayer life. I was approaching prayer differently. It was exciting. Then the spring time change threw me off, and was barely getting out of bed in time to go to work.

I'm writing about this to ask for prayer, and to think through that I bet I'm not the only Christian in this position. How many of us are making due with relationship to Christ that is just O.K. I have missionary service approaching and so I feel compelled to very seriously take stock of my faith and practice. Perhaps we should all be taking a serious look at our lives and taking steps to live a more vibrant, life changing walk with Christ.


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