Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hissing Cockroaches

This is from Maryellen Parmenter:

We went over to the Shertzer's house after attending East Arlington Baptist in Lawrence, MI. They had two parrots, a ton of cockroaches, and two Geckos as pets. We enjoyed having a nice conversation with them, and ate Mrs. Shertzer's delicious meal.

At East Arlington, Dad presented in adult Bible study and in the service. He sang in the offertory, and Mom and Michael played Be Thou My Vision.

At the Shertzer's I was rather revolted by the writhing mass of hissing Cockroaches in their cage. Michael actually dared to touch one. Though I can't say that for myself. I found the larger parrot, Ariel, quite amusing. If she was left alone in a room or was unhappy about something, she would make a shrieking noise. She also liked to eat jelly beans. If let out, the other parrot would fly around the room in circles.

I wish I could have taken some cockroaches home, but my dad said no. He says, when I grow up and get my own house then perhaps I can get some for myself.


Maryellen Parmenter

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