Saturday, July 12, 2008

Getting Ready For The Trip

Last year at about this time, Marge and I were recognized as ABWE missionaries to the Czech Republic durring a two week candidate seminar. I didn't blog about each day like I would like to have, but I tride to capture the rich depth of training, and the tension of being in the final phase of the . . . begining.

It's a year later and I feel like we are just starting in our pre-field ministry. Many have told us that one year in on pre-field is just starting and that 20% support is good progress, but I frankly don't intend to be on pre-field for four years.

I want to be sensative to what God's intensions are, but I am still working toward a late 2009 departure.

This week Marge and I are finishing up some required studies in preparation of EMC/CMI at ABWE. We do love our acronyms. EMC stands for Essential Missions Components and CMI stands for Core Missions Institute. It is intended for missionaries that are making progress in pre-field and the intent it to impart training and understanding on topics of church planting in other cultures.

That takes one week, and then before going home we are planning on spending several days in Washington DC. The children have never been there, and I'm excited about the whole thing. I want to take you (the reader) along for the trip. I plan on blogging each day, and including photos so that you can be part of the experience.

Keep your eyes on this blog!


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