Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Clean and Call

Monday, we spent most of the day cleaning the attic so that we will be ready to move, and so that we can be ready for the roofers. I discovered mildew inside the insulation and panelling that the former owner had put up on the roof line. I think he wanted to make the attic into an extra room. There's even carpet up there. With all of the leaking, it's just a bunch of mold and mildew.

So, not only will there be a new roof going on, but in December, I'll be ripping out all of the old panelling and insulation, tossing it out the window, and getting my own dumpster for all of it.

We talked about having a garage sale, but we buy so many used things, and a garage sale would have to wait until the spring, that we decided to donate to Good Will. As hard as we try not to have clutter, it wasn't hard to fill up the trunk and the back seat of the car with stuff to donate. We are getting rid of all the things we haven't used in 10 years. It might be different if we were moving across town. It's a good opportunity to lighten our load.

Today I spent much of the day talking on the phone with churches. Planning our next speaking engagements and making fresh contacts.

Video hilights below.


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