Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Not Afraid

We are at a training for two weeks on language learning. The first step that I am learning is to face my fears of learning another language. Did you know that the most frequent imperative command in the scriptures is "do not be afraid?" I guess God knows me well. Anyway, he encourages us, like Joshua, to be strong and courageous and he will be with us. I am also learning to quit saying, I can't do this, to I can do this much so far..... We are learning to make sounds with our mouth and lips and tongue that are different than the 44 sounds of English. I can now say that I have a few more sounds that I can make with my mouth.

Another great tip today was to listen with comprehension rather than trying to mimic words when you begin. We tried this out today on a tribal language from Vietnam and we get to try it tomorrow in Russian with a Russian language helper. So, I am learning techniques that I can do now-observing everyone else's mouths!!!!!, etc...... to understand how sounds are made.

I read the first day I was here in the last chapter of John. Here, Peter questions the risen Lord when he challenges Peter to feed my sheep. Peter wants to know " what is going to happen with that "other disciple" (meaning John). My paraphrasing, but the Lord asks Peter to do what he is asked to do and not worry about the other disciple. In the same way, the Lord is challenging me not to compare myself to others in this language learning process, but to work hard and learn and try try try.... Do you know how difficult that is surrounded by all these missionaries - I think I am the oldest in the room.....?

Colorado is beautiful and God has given me a wonderful setting, away from the distractions of home to step out in faith and try this language learning on way before I get on a plane to the Czech. I am grateful for this opportunity.

Marge Parmenter

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